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Personalized Services for Your Unique Needs

Dedicated Advisor
Handpicked Matches
Personal Introductions
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1 Month Featured Profile Listing
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Happy Stories

Last AddedProfiles Groom

Last Added Profiles Bride

55+ Languages

Offering Multilingual Choices

192+ Castes

Within India & Abroad

3200+ Cities

Across 4 countries of operation

2 Countries

Connecting beyond borders

Mobile App

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  • Check Icon Search by location, community, profession & more.
  • Check Icon Verified stamp added to profile.
  • Check Icon Profile and pictures with advanced privacy settings.

Why Choose us, a specialized matchmaking website, offers tailored solutions to address the challenges faced by second-generation Indians in the USA.


Members have the opportunity to connect with other profiles through various interactive features such as chat, email, photo sharing, and by expressing interest.


As a member, you gain access to an exclusive suite of services tailored to meet your needs and enhance your experience.


All members are authentically verified and confirmed by our designated service providers using legitimate identification.


All members are thoroughly safeguarded by a highly sensitive and effective anti-scam system designed to prevent any form of data theft.